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Goat chase


I can easily say that I spent the last month craving an adventure, now I'm not talking a plane ticket to Spain (which lets be clear if someone was offering, I wouldn't say no) but when I was pondering the notion of a get away, I was think more along the lines of camping or hiking up in the Sperrin mountains, away from everyone, no signal and being disconnected.

I got handed a project in my 'moving image' class, to create a short film based on one of William Allingham's poems of our choice, as soon as I found my poem I knew exactly what I was going to base mine on, so the following day I charged the batteries, grabbed my camera and I was bounding out the door on a mini day adventure.

Taking myself up to Glenelly valley in Cranagh, to the my Grannies original homestead where she was born and reared. I plan to base my short film on the old farm house; I spent the day up on the side of the valley with the wind howling and in between showers of rain but none the less it could have been pouring buckets down on me and it still couldn't have washed the smile off my face, I was satisfying that adventurous streak in me. It didn't stop there, on the scenic drive back down the valley I spotted a road that I had heard so many stories about and references to, though I had never ventured up. I quickly dropped the gears and winded my way up the narrow road that moved with the shape of the river that flowed along side and finally reached an old abandoned cottage, parked up and went for a dander.

This photo would brighten up anyones day

It's always nice to know that no matter where I go, I manage to make some new friends even if it is a family of goats, clearly this was the climax of my day; even though I was terrified out of my mind. Honestly shaking so much that I didn't think I managed to take a picture at all. Don't get me wrong, I love goats, I could easily waste my day watching hours of goat videos and hopefully own my own little goat some day but there was an element within me that thought, is this goat going to ram me if I go anywhere near his kid's.

As you can tell we were best friends in no time at all (after I was safely behind a gate).

Everyone has their different ways to unwind; maybe a glass of wine, a hot bath or a run, all of these I can relate to in some sense but what I class as number one in the unwind category is disconnect. I have to disconnect myself from everything fast paced to reconnect with the motions of life again, I just have to remember to do it more often.

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